AKH-0.66/G High precision metering type current transformer

Short Description:


•Rated operation voltage AC 0.66kV(Equivalent AC 0.63kV,GB156-2017)

•Rated frequency 50-60Hz

•Ambient air temperature -30℃-70℃

•Power frequency withstand voltage 3000v/1min 50Hz

•High precision 0.2,0.5s,0.2s



Product Detail




The appearance is nice and the wiring is convenient. The transparent polycarbonate  material  is  selected  for  the  flip.We  can  clearly  see  the secondary lead wiring. They are generally used with electrical measuring instruments, widely used in electrical sets.


Size(mm) Type Outline size(mm) Through size(mm) Mounting size(mm) Tolerance picture
W H D a e Φ M N
G-30I 62 78 45 32 11 22 40 57.5   




± 1


Figure 1

G-30×30I 85 102 50 32 11 28 / 57.5
G-40I 75 95 45 42 11 31 40 57.5
G-60I 102 130 45 61.5 21 45 42 57.5
G-80I 118 140 45 82 11 52 60 57.5
G-40II 78 103 45 43 31.5 / 48 57.5   

Figure 2

G-60II 102 125 45 61 33 / 42 57.5
G-60×50II 102 142 45 62 51.5 / 42 57.5
G-80II 117 119 45 82 32 / 60 57.5
G-80×50II 120 141 45 82 52 / 60 57.5    
G-100II 145 125 45 103 35 / 80 57.5
G-100×50II 145 155 50 103 55 / 80 70.5
G-100×80II 152 190 55 104 85 / 80 70.5
G-120×50II 174 168 48 122 53 / 79 70.5
G-130×50II 176 160 50 135 55 / 86 70.5
G-150×50II 210 176 55 155 55 / 103 70.5
G-170×100II 227 230 60 172 105 / 103 83
G-180×50II 239 181 60 185 55 / 40 83
G-200×50II 247 172 55 205 60 / 102 83
G-220×50II 280 190 60 225 55 / 188 83
G-260×50II 320 191 60 265 55 / 65/55/65 83

Cross-reference tables of spec. –parameter


2 (1)

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